Hi there! I’m Josue, and I’ve been raising chickens since I was six years old. It all started when my grandfather moved to Arizona and decided to build his OWN chicken coop in the backyard. That coop became the heart of our home, filled with happy, clucking chickens and an endless supply of fresh eggs. From the very beginning, I was hooked.

Growing up, I learned the ins and outs of chicken care—how to feed them, keep them healthy, and create a safe and comfortable environment for them. Over the years, I’ve grown incredibly attached to these feathered friends. They’re not just livestock to me; they’re pets, each with their own unique personality. Even though I’ve experienced the heartbreak of losing chickens along the way, I’ve always known that raising chickens is my lifelong passion.
Fast forward to today, and I’m thrilled to combine my love for chickens with my interest in sharing knowledge. Back in the ’90s, resources for backyard chicken enthusiasts were limited, but now, I get to not only raise chickens but also review chicken breeds, coops, feeders, and other essentials to help fellow chicken lovers make the best choices for their flocks.
On this blog, you’ll find tips on raising chickens, building the perfect chicken coop, and selecting the right breeds for your backyard. Whether you’re a seasoned chicken keeper or just starting out, I’m here to share my experiences, lessons learned, and love for these amazing birds.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope my journey inspires you to start or continue your own adventure with backyard chickens!